Post free classified ads for real estate to buy, sell or rent property. Search new and upcoming projects by builders or construction companies, flats, apartments, houses, lands or commercial properties. Search buyer, seller, brokers or agents
Features :
Multiple projects can be displayed on a dedicated page.
Complete control over the Ad i.e. you can add, edit, delete, pause the advertisement at any moment of time
You can assign and channelize enquiries from customer to specific Agents / Sales Person for each of your projects, so the email will be forwarded to that specific Agent / Sales Person.
Auto design of banner ad will be display in the city search result for the upcoming/ongoing project.
Statistics of the number of visitors
Buyer can call or send the enquiry directly
You can mark the location of your property on Google Maps.
On Zoomty your project will be auto integrated with social media like Google+, Facebook and Twitter, Instagram, so you can directly share or promote on from your account.